Sunday, May 30, 2021

Walk on Freely


Today's Message at 
The Olustee Community Church

My beloved children,
See the beauty of the plan -
"I always care for you!"
Not the plan the world has -
It's ugly and can't help you!
Always look to Me for help,
I AM the One who loves you,
I'm the One who knows all things,
I'm in you, child, to help you!
Hear Me whisper in your heart -
"I give you good desires!"
Follow what I speak to you,
My Word gives good desires!
Whatever hindered you before,
Has now become a floor!
Made low for you to walk upon,
The boulder is now a floor!
Now walk on freely, you are free -
I have gone before you!
The plans I have for you are good -
Believe, receive, trust I AM Good!!!

Leeza Kuzzin Poetry 2021

Psalm 34:8,17, 65:11-13, 16:5-6,11
1 Peter 5:6-7
Isaiah 41:10,13, 42:2
Ephesians 2:13
John 15:15-19
John 16:13, 10:27
2 Corinthians 13:14
Psalm 37:4-5
Philippians 2:13
Isaiah 40:4-5, 45:2-3
Jeremiah 29:11
Luke 1:37-38, 45
Mark 9:23

Sunday, May 23, 2021

Believe & Go Ahead

 Today's Message at 
The Olustee Community Church

My beloved children,
Here's a plan of win, win, win!
Use your mind to help you  -
You have the mind of Christ!
Use it, child, use it - enjoy eternal life!
Separate your many thoughts,
Work this out with Me -
Holy Spirit help within -
To win, to win, to win again!
Now look upon your worksheet -
See the answer clear!
In the list of cant's and can's
What is it, child, you see?
One side has a future,
The other side is dead!
One side cannot move or change
But the other side says, "go ahead!"
Glory! Glory! Glory!
Love never fails to go ahead -
Believe and go ahead!!!

Leeza Kuzzin Poetry 2021

Jeremiah 33:3
James 1:5
Colossians 1:27
1 Corinthians 2:16
Romans 12:2
Isaiah 48:17
John 16:13
2 Corinthians 13:14
Hebrews 12:1-2
Philippians 3:13, 4:8
Colossians 4:17

Sunday, May 16, 2021

Heaven's Purpose

Today's Message at 
The Olustee Community Church

My beloved children,
What joy is seen upon your face -
You know Amazing Grace!
The beating of your heart inside,
The rhythm of My own -
Born anew to be My own,
My very, very own!
Call upon Me, I will answer,
That I promise you!
I have set you high above,
So safe within My Love!
Give thanks for all I've given you -
You're blessed beyond compare!
Give thanks for all the rest you'll see -
So much I have to share!
Hold on to all I've shown you -
Eternal is it's purpose!
You're blessed beyond what you can see -
You're blessed with Heaven's Purpose!!!

Lezza Kuzzin Poetry 2021

Colossians 1:9-14
Acts 13:21-22
Amos 3:3
John 3:1-7
Romans 8:16
Psalm 91:14-16
1 John 4:17-19
Mark 11:22-24
Psalm 68:19
Jeremiah 29:11
Philippians 2:13
Romans 8:28
Hebrews 11:6 

Wednesday, May 12, 2021

Happy Mother's Day


Today's Message at 
The Olustee Community Church

A mother God calls honored
Is a mother who believes Him!
Successful is that mother 
That teaches "God is good!"
Overcoming obstacles 
By faith in "God is good!"
God is good no matter what -
And in those times of trials
She ever sings the same true song,
"God is good in trials too,
Trust Him, children, trust Him!"
Teach your children, dear, dear Mothers -
Teach them how to trust Him!
When moms mess up, 
And all moms do,
Teach "God is good" 
We trust Him!
God honors that successful Mom,
Receive that honor with a smile -
For you believe and trust Him!!! 

Leeza Kuzzin Poetry 2021

2 Timothy 1:5
Proverbs 3:5-6
1 John 5:4
1 Peter 4:12-13 msg
Romans 5:20, 8:28
Philippians 1:6

Wednesday, May 5, 2021

Faith is Calm & Steady


Today's Message at 
The Olustee Community Church

My beloved children, 
Stand up in all Christ's Victory,
Move on ahead in all you know -
"Christ in you" the world to show!
Show forth I AM in you,
Show forth I AM helping you,
My power, child, in you!
Take faith filled eyes to see with Me
All I long to show you -
Fear has a sound that's not peaceful,
Faith has a sound like eagles wings -
Soaring high above!
Fear just taunts and rattles
But faith is calm and steady!
In confidence you rest in peace,
For there, child, you'll find strength!
Look here, look here, the world says
But it only causes fear!
Look here, child, here -
My Word is true and casts off every fear!
Move on ahead in confidence -
I AM your Great Defender,
I AM your true defense!!!

Leeza Kuzzin Poetry 2021

2 Corinthians 2:14
Romans 12:1-2
1 Peter 2:9
Colossians 1:27
Psalm 40:2-3
Jeremiah 33:3
1 Samuel 17:16
1 John 5:4
Isaiah 40:31, 30:15, 32:16-18
Proverbs 30:5
1 John 4:18-19
2 Timothy 1:7
Psalm 46:1, 62:5-7