Saturday, March 10, 2012

Wings of Love...

Good morning, from the home of
Lezza Kuzzin Poetry...

Where is it Lord, 
That I'll be safe?
I hear You say,
My wings!
Shelter, refuge from the storms-
Underneath My wings!
I close my eyes envisioning
I'm safe beneath Your wings!
I'm free to open up my eyes,
To let my ears hear Voice!
For there I know I'm very safe
Your wings of Love- my choice!!!

Lezza Kuzzin Poetry copyright 2012

Psalm 91
Ruth 2:12
Psalm again! 1:1-3
Proverbs 2:10-12
John 10:27-30
2 Corinthians 13:14 :)
Philippians 4:8
Matthew 6:33
Hebrews 11:6 :)


  1. it is so wonderful knowing we are always safe under our Fathers wings. I love you Mommy

  2. Amen! I love you my Sunshine! Sweet dreams and wake refreshed! Love 4ever, mommy begommyx ox
