Leeza means, God's Promise! Kuzzin means, Understand! (John 17:3- And this is life eternal, that they might know Thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom Thou has sent.) The Ministry of Leeza Kuzzin Poetry- A prophetic rhyme for an appointed time! (1Peter 4:10-11) An out reaching ministry to all God's children every where! We love you!
Sunday, December 31, 2023
Sunday, December 24, 2023
"Believe" Merry Christmas
Merry Christmas!!!Believe is the Christmas messageFor Heaven came to earth -Jesus is our Savior,God did come to earth!Oh, open up your heart todayFor what we believe is true!Let your heart overflow With thankfulness,Love and gladness,For what we believe is true!In all you are believing forSay, "According to Your Word, Lord, be it unto me!"Christmas has a message true -Believe is up to you!God has given everythingWhen He gave Jesus Christ -Merry Christmas, joy complete,With God all things are possible! Be encouraged this Christmas Eve -All God gave you to believe, Give faith, yes, just BELIEVE!!!
Leeza Kuzzin Poetry 2023
Luke 2:7-14, 1:37-38, 45-49Hebrews 6:18Psalm 23:5Ephesians 1:3-7Mark 9:23
Sunday, December 17, 2023
Help to Stay Up & Be Steady
Today's Message atThe Olustee Community Church
Dear beloved children,Depend on Me -I help you stay up and steady!I help you in the little things,I help you in the great big things!Enjoy all My love and help -I'm here to stay, yes, truly stay!Your heart I know, your prayers I hear,Your faith does truly show!I will help you balance, I help you not to fall!Don't fall for lies, for truth you know,Be fruitful, grow and grow!Be in My Word each day -A steady balance of Grace through faith,Enjoy all My blessings, child, Enjoy every day!Share your faith, speak truth in love -This year say, "Merry Christmas -Jesus is our Savior, God is truly Love!"
Leeza Kuzzin Poetry 2023
Proverbs 3:5-61 Peter 5:7John 14:15-18, 16:131 John 5:13-15Jude 1:24-25Colossians 1:9-13Psalm 1:1-3Galatians 6:9-102 Corinthians 9:8Ephesians 2:8John 3:16-17Luke 2:10-11
Saturday, December 16, 2023
You Are Supported
Today's Message at The Olustee Community Church
Dear beloved children,Good news! Good news!Oh, hear dear one, I AM on your side!Helping you, supporting you,So close to you, inside of you -I AM helping you!The evil tidings all aboutThey want to share with you -Information so very bad But I tell you be glad!For greater is My Good Report,So fix your heart on Me!Your ever present help indeed, I have all you need!I AM the problem solver,All knowing, ever present -So trust what all I see!In our sweet, sweet fellowship,Joy will flood your heart and soul And you'll go on and prosper, You'll go on and grow!!!I AM on your side, for you belong to Me!Victory in Jesus, child, I will help you see!!!
Leeza Kuzzin Poetry 2023
Luke 2:10-11, 8:1, 4:18-19Romans 10:13-15, 8:26-32Psalm 4:3Colossians 1:27Psalm 112:7, 46:1, 3:3Isaiah 48:172 Corinthians 13:14, 2:14Nehemiah 8:10Psalm 1:1-3
Thursday, December 7, 2023
Your Greatest Sense
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Today's Message at The Olustee Community Church
Dear beloved children,Are there questions in your heart? Do you truly seek the answers? For I have Wisdom here for you -Give faith "I give the answers!"Don't be robbed by being confused,Don't make bad decisions!For that will make you easy prey -Instead trust Me today!Use your greatest sense of all -Give faith not fear and receive My all!Every good I have for you -I will not fail you!Guard your heart and cast your cares,Make room for what is good and true -My child, I AM helping you!Take heed and do not be deceived - Limitless is My abilityWhen you have faith in Me!!!
Lezza Kuzzin Poetry 2023
Jeremiah 33:3John 10:10, 27, 16:131 Peter 5:8Luke 21:34Mark 9:232 Timothy 1:7James 1:5-8Isaiah 55:11Proverbs 4:20-271 John 4:4, 5:4Mark 11:22-24
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