Wednesday, May 8, 2024

The Purpose of it All

Today's Message at
The Olustee Community Church

Dear beloved children,
Let Me guide you every day -
In everything show you the way!
Take the time to be with Me
All alone so you can hear
And I will help you see so clear!
What's the purpose of it all?
Oh, mighty purpose grand!
Our Father and child relationship,
Enjoying forever sweet fellowship!
Not the kind that comes and goes,
But oh, the kind that's ever true -
That purpose, child, is Me and you!
See all that I have for you -
In the natural there's wear and tear,
Things that don't seem fair,
But I AM Supernatural 
And you are too in Christ!
Now nothing is impossible -
Stay in tender fellowship,
Enjoy with Me "The Possible!"
You give Me faith
And I give you strength -
Ability to do what you could not do!
You give Me faith and say what I say,
Enjoy Christ's Victory day after day!!!

Leeza Kuzzin Poetry 2024

Isaiah 48:17
John 16:13
Jeremiah 33:3
Psalm 91:14-16
John 10:27
Romans 8:16
2 Corinthians 13:14
Luke 15:17-24
Romans 12:2
Luke 1:37
Mark 9:23
Colossians 1:27
Romans 4:20-21
1 John 5:4

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