My Gift to All
In nothing be discouraged, in nothing be dismayed
For child, before you ere were born
Victory was paid!
There in babies skin Love lay
To pay for all of sin
That Day!
As you look, at manger scenes
As you behold all Christmas sights
Remember He, who freed you
From all of evil’s frights!
Take time to ponder on My Child
My Gift to all the world!
See with eyes, see spiritual
Tis Love that rules the world!
For Jesus went from baby skin
Son of man
And conquered sin!
Oh let this child, remind you
That sin
Is far behind you!
Long ago upon the cross
Evil took
Tremendous loss!
Jesus captured victory
Revealed to us
The mystery
That we could be forever His
Inside of us
Our Savior lives!!!
For child, before you ere were born
Victory was paid!
There in babies skin Love lay
To pay for all of sin
That Day!
As you look, at manger scenes
As you behold all Christmas sights
Remember He, who freed you
From all of evil’s frights!
Take time to ponder on My Child
My Gift to all the world!
See with eyes, see spiritual
Tis Love that rules the world!
For Jesus went from baby skin
Son of man
And conquered sin!
Oh let this child, remind you
That sin
Is far behind you!
Long ago upon the cross
Evil took
Tremendous loss!
Jesus captured victory
Revealed to us
The mystery
That we could be forever His
Inside of us
Our Savior lives!!!
Jeremiah 33:1-9 John 16:33 Luke 2:1-14; 25-33; 4:18-21 John 3:16-17
Colossians 2:14-15;1:26-29 John 17:20-23
Colossians 2:14-15;1:26-29 John 17:20-23
Lezza Kuzzin Poetry 2009 copyright
I love this poem! I'm going to read it to my babies every Christmas eve like you used to read us the Christmas books! I love you! Love Andrea