Leeza means, God's Promise! Kuzzin means, Understand! (John 17:3- And this is life eternal, that they might know Thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom Thou has sent.) The Ministry of Leeza Kuzzin Poetry- A prophetic rhyme for an appointed time! (1Peter 4:10-11) An out reaching ministry to all God's children every where! We love you!
Monday, May 31, 2010
Memorial of Honor

Sunday, May 30, 2010
Today's Message at Olustee Community Church

Good morning from the home of Lezza Kuzzin Poetry...
Into the Light
The marvelous, marvelous Light!
Shine forth My goodness
Beckon, I’m kind
Help others see
I don’t want them blind!
The world, it is watching
To see what is true
Asking! Yes, asking!
What do we do?
Does any one know?
If they do, won’t it show?
They want to see evidence
That Jesus is true
Children come show them
I’m working through you!
You who believe Me
Speak forth the truth!
Don’t stop! Keep on going!
For your faith
It is showing!!!
Out of the darkness into the Light
Children shine forth
Speak what is right!
Watch what you say, for you’re spitting out seeds!
Be mindful! Be mindful!
You have, the worlds needs!!!
James 3:1-12
Saturday, May 29, 2010
You're Stronger Than The Rest

Friday, May 28, 2010
Begin To Understand

Thursday, May 27, 2010
Take Comfort Child

Wednesday, May 26, 2010
I Am Longing To Reveal To You

Monday, May 24, 2010
I Get To Know My Father

Saturday, May 22, 2010
I Want To Be With You

Friday, May 21, 2010

Thursday, May 20, 2010
Sweet Keeper of the Home

Sweet Keeper of The Home
How lovely all your features
Teaching love so well!
Showing forth My goodness
True Love, indeed you tell!
At home you prosper, for you know
Eternal Life, is Me to know!
I hold you close and tell you
All through out the day
I love you! I enjoy you!
And I am here to stay!
Never shall I leave you
With kindness, I do speak!
How I love to give you strength
Whenever, you feel weak!
Ponder on the memory
Of when I first wooed you
Let Me be your husband
Those words, forever true!
There’s not a better way to pray
Than saying what I say today!
Be comforted! Be whole indeed!
I promise you, I’m all you need!
Proceed! Proceed! Proceed!
Be full, abundant overflow
Sweet Keeper of the home!
Don’t let your thoughts once roam
Stay mindful I delight in you
What I AM to you!!!
Titus 2:1-5
John 17:3,14:16
Philippians 4:8
Hebrews 11:6
Hello! By request I added an Amen! Many have told me they are unable to comment so I tried to change it up some and if all else fails you can Amen! :)
I love you! xo
Friday, May 14, 2010
You'll Know Just What to Do

You beloved
Have no fear!
For those who seek
Child look what’s found
Freedom from
What hell has bound!
I set you free! You hold the key!
You speak, the hidden mystery!
Doubt, confusion
In the past!
You understand
At last! At last!
Now follow all I show to you
You know what to do!!!
For that is what I say to you
You’ll know
Just what to do!
And I in you shall follow through
You know
Just what to do!
In every single way!
In Jesus name
We pray!!!
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Where Eagles Dare To Fly/Olustee Senior Class of 2010

Where Eagles Dare To Soar
Where Eagles dare to soar!
Let Me show you from My view
The path,
The one for you!
All around you obstacles
So many hills to climb
But I can lift you high above
You’ll soar,
On wings of Love!
Every dream, a dreamer
Every plan, a planner
Oh every child, a Father!
You My son! My daughter!
Listen closely, wise My Word
Ponder on the path you take
Seek Wisdom before every turn
Avoiding, much mistake!
Spread your wings I’ve given you!
Be strong! Be brave!
Be true!
Come see beyond! A future grand!
Indeed, there’s so much more!
Father’s invitation
Fly high and with Love soar!
Ephesians 3:20
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Happy Mothers Day To my Precious Mother

A Gift of Precious Love
A gift of precious love
Strength and passion fill her
By Love, from up above!
Graced with gentle, tender care
At first her child
So unaware!
Honoring my Mother
And all her love and care
I’m older now and wiser
No longer unaware!
So Thank You God, for Mother
I remember well
She poured into me what she had
At times, it left her weak
For many years my thankfulness
I didn’t even speak!
But now with joy upon my face
I tell of this sweet place
The place of honor, God gave Mother
That’s here within my heart
Where treasures of her pile high
Where they shall live
And never die!
Thank You Lord, for my own Mother
In honor, I agree with Thee
My Mom
Was my first victory!!!
4ever, your thankful daughter, Debbie xo
Philippians 2:13
Friday, May 7, 2010
Who Am I

Says the poet
Looking at her rhyme!
How do I make sweet music
And dance a life divine?
Looking in a mirror
Will help an image see
But looking in God’s Word
Shall bring the victory!
So I set about to find
The words to all my rhyme!
When my heart beats
It beats again
“My friend!”
In rhyme Lord
I agree with Thee
My precious, precious Friend!
Who am I?
Says the poet
Gazing at her Rhyme
Her Rhyme says back
My daughter, you are truly Mine!!!
2Cor. 13:14
Thursday, May 6, 2010

The trees have all turned green
All around me flowers
So beautiful the scene!
I thought about the days ahead
So busy in my mind
And then I heard the sweetest voice
My Lord, so very kind!
He told me to be very still
To listen
So I’d know His will
Cast your many cares on Me
Yes my Lord, I do indeed!
I remember
And take heed!
Oh Holy Spirit, Comforter
How I delight in you!
Help me to remember
That I can count on You!
Now I must go inside
Again about my day
But I remember you my Friend
Will help, in every way!
2Cor. 2:14
Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Keep sending help my way
Think only what is good my friend
On Father God, we do depend
Our Lord! Our Savior!
Dearest Friend!
Remember Love
It has no end!
On earth we need a body
In heaven we are free!
Remember we will meet again
Each beloved, blessed friend!
But for now enjoy
For you still have a body
And Father says, “Enjoy!”
Indeed life doesn’t end
And love has only just begun
When life on earth is done!!!
John 3:5-8,16
Monday, May 3, 2010
Living Water

In your spirit true!
Whispering I love you
And every thing that’s true!
Blessings of My favor
How I delight in you!
Longing to reveal My self
To those whose hearts are true!
I see within you oneness
In spirit, we agree
Seek the Kingdom
Child, to see
For that is where
There’s victory!
Come and be alone with Me
Delight in all My Word!
The Covenant! New Covenant!
The Good News you have heard!
Draw water from your well
Bring out from deep within
And watch your Blessings swell!!!
Colossians 1:13
Sunday, May 2, 2010
Todays Message at Olustee Community Church

My child?
Do you understand?
Listen as I tell you
To hear Me is My plan!
My sheep they hear and follow
In self pity
They won’t wallow!
But rise to all there is to gain
For the hurting reign!
Are you hearing Me
My child
Or are you lulled to sleep?
Tucked in worldly limits
Where victories lye asleep!
Awake! Awake!
And hear Me!
There is no fear in Love!
Listen children! Listen!
For Love does speak to you!
A world among you suffers
Their souls
Cry out to you!
Offensive and belligerent
But you
Be ever diligent!
Be a shining light indeed!
Hear Me
To know what they need!
Profess My goodness! Show My Love!
Tell them Grace
For all they face!
I’ve opened up your inner ear
You child, hear Me say
Come near!
Now passion and My Word agree
You My child
Are hearing Me!!!
1 Jonah 1:1
Matt 17:24-27
Saturday, May 1, 2010
Rehearse! Rehearse!

Rehearse! Rehearse!
Think strong! Think clear!
Have no thoughts
Of any fear!
Gather up My promises
Rehearse them one by one!
See the way I’ve helped you child
See all the battles won!
Now push the button forward!
Do not go in reverse!
Gather up My promises
Rehearse! Rehearse! Rehearse!
Kill the enemy of doubt
Stand upon the giant
Your victory! Child shout!!!
Hebrews 13:8