Good morning, from the home of Lezza Kuzzin
What is it this world offers you
That you don't already have?
Is it freedom?
You are free!
Is it wealth, prosperity?
You've found your wealth in Me!
Is it health and wholeness?
Receive your health in Me!
How about sweet fellowship?
Relationship with Me!
So child, the devil offers you
You don't have!
Understand! Child, understand!
See what indeed
You have!
Beloved child! Beloved child!
Whom I so dearly love!
Understand! Child, understand!
Receive from Papa's hand!!!
Lezza Kuzzin Poetry 2010copyright
Matthew 4:1-11, 6:33
John 17:3
2Cor. 13:14
Ephesians chapter 1, 3:14-21
Galatians 3:13-29, 4:6-7
1Chronicles 29:10-13
Psalms 105:37, 103:1-5
3John 2
Philemon 6
Very clearly framed with words!