Good morning from the home of
Lezza Kuzzin Poetry
In "Glory" Oklahoma
My beloved child,
That's the smile I love to see -
The smile of you
Believing Me!
Casting all your cares,
Resisting every fear,
Staying ever close to Me -
Such pleasure, child, you're here!
Here in tender fellowship,
Here to gather blessings up -
Allowing Me to overflow,
To overflow your cup!!!
Oh, Father,
How You bless me so!
I love you back -
You bless me more!
I never get ahead of You,
I never, ever, could -
No matter what I offer You,
You bless me overflowing -
Because You Are So Good!!!
Lezza Kuzzin Poetry 2015
Song of Solomon 2:10-16
2 Corinthians 13:14
Hebrews 11:6
Revelation 4:11
Jude 20-21
Psalm Chapter 23, 68:19, 103:1-5
1 John 4:19
Psalm 34:8
Mark 9:23
Good morning my beloved family and friends! My sister and my brothers in Christ Jesus forever!!! This morning in my time alone with Father God, He showed me baskets of oranges overflowing everywhere! I asked Him what that meant and He reminded me that yesterday I was craving orange juice, I bought some from Braums and had plenty of it to drink! He told me that when His children have a need for something, He gives them a craving, a desire, and then they are to believe for it! There is something I have a need of, a desire for, and He was wooing me to stay in faith for it!!! I will soon see the overflow ... I won't only get my God given desire filled but I'll have overflow!!! Plenty enough to share!!! God is SO very GOOD!!! When I spend time alone with Him I long to bless Him back but I know that I haven't got anything to do it with except to BELIEVE HIM!!! That is what the Word of God says pleases Him!!! His children believing Him and He blesses us Abundantly to overflow!!! And as if that wasn't enough goodness for one morning, He showed me to put my orange juice in one of my most treasured glasses I use only for special occasions! He said, every day is a special occasion, look and see today! Today is a special day for sure!!! Look beloveds, look!!! Love forever, your sister Debbie xo xo xo This is not just another day ... it is TODAY!!! Joy!!!