Friday, November 27, 2020

The Room Lesson

There is a room in my house that I don't see much of,
A room where I don't turn on lights and just sit -
When I do I see I'm neglecting it! 
Dust builds up and a cob web or two,
When the light is on I see there's so much to do!
Christmas time comes and I make room for the tree,
I take my old rocker to the room -
The room with the dusting I need to do!
Yes, I see now there so much to do!
I ponder and pray, Lord, 
Do I have a place in my heart like that room?
A part of my heart I've neglected?
As I ask for the Light to help me to see,
I learn - I might be neglecting me!
In all of the helping others, in all of the praying for others,
In all of the needs of so many  ...
I find I've neglected to keep myself sweet,
I"ll dust it with joy and get the webs out -
Lord, help me ever be sweet!!!

Leeza Kuzzin Poetry 2020

Jeremiah 33:3
Psalm 119:103
Proverbs 16:24
2 Corinthians 13:14

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