Sunday, July 12, 2015

Think Great Value

Today's Message at
The Olustee Community

My beloved children,
An heir of everything I have,
Because you call Me "Father"
Because I AM your Dad!
Think value, think great value,
Oh, your worth to Me -
As the world devalues you
Remember why it does so -
You belong to Me!
Possession, one's possessions -
The world values what it has,
Child, it does not have you!
I value you with all I have,
Paid dearly, child, to have you
And give you all I have!
The apple of My eye, 
Beloved, treasured child, and friend,
Redeemed and blessed, 
Dear heir of Mine -
Shout "loved",  shout "valued"
 "Christ's Victory"
Here's your story - 
Glory!  Glory!  Glory!
My heir, indeed, Love's story!!!

Lezza Kuzzin Poetry 2015

Luke 4:18-19
Galatians 4:1-2, 1:4, 5:22-23
2 Timothy 1:7
John 3:16
John 15:18-19
Galatians 4:6-7
Romans 8:16
Deuteronomy 32:10-12
Proverbs 23:7
Hebrews 10:9
Romans 12:2
Ephesians 1:3-6
Colossians 1:27

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