The Way Is Clear
Victory! Oh Victory!
Trace it all through history
My Word revealed,
The way is clear
For those who come,
For those who hear!
Successful is the battle plan,
Indeed! I gave the strategy!
Believe! Believe!
Yes child, receive
The battle has been won!
I lead you child, I guide you
My Word, shall keep
Your slumber sweet
And as you rise each morning,
My Word, is there to greet!
Stake out the flag,
Of no regret
For My Word, you don’t forget!
Victory! Oh victory!
In Christ the battle’s won,
Faith to move the mountains,
Child, look
What Love has done!!!
Trace it all through history
My Word revealed,
The way is clear
For those who come,
For those who hear!
Successful is the battle plan,
Indeed! I gave the strategy!
Believe! Believe!
Yes child, receive
The battle has been won!
I lead you child, I guide you
My Word, shall keep
Your slumber sweet
And as you rise each morning,
My Word, is there to greet!
Stake out the flag,
Of no regret
For My Word, you don’t forget!
Victory! Oh victory!
In Christ the battle’s won,
Faith to move the mountains,
Child, look
What Love has done!!!
Lezza Kuzzin Poetry 2010copyright
Proverbs 2:10-12
Proverbs 6:22
Joshua 3&4
Psalms 103:1-5
Psalms 103:1-5
2Corinthians 2:14
Mark 11:22-26
John 17:3,20-23
Strategy: artful planning ; management