Wednesday, May 18, 2011

What's Normal For My Child

Good joyful morning, from the home of Lezza Kuzzin Poetry...

Lord, why don't I feel so joyful 
Until I've been with You?
Why, at times, so grumpy
Until I hear Your voice?
And why am I so sour
Until I draw-
Your power?

Oh, blessed, blessed child-
You are not alone!
But you are seeing wisdom-
To be with Me alone!
Many of My children 
Feel grumpy, sour too!
But many think it's normal-
Not knowing what to do!
Oh, delight of Father's heart-
My children who know truth!
When morning comes
To Me they run
And there in tender fellowship-
Loses grip!
Sour sees such sweetness
And joy
 Welcomes meekness!
Power to flow out My love
For you have been with Me-
My Love!
Now I see your smile!
Grumpy has to pack his bags
And Sour is going too!
All because you knew to come-
My child, 
To Me, you run!!!

Lezza Kuzzin Poetry 2011copyright

Lamentations 3:21-23
Psalm 3:3, 13:5-6, 27:8, 13, 17:5, 
34:3-4, 10, 40:2-4, 49:3, 57:7, 68:19, 
71:21 :)
Proverbs 3:13-18
Philippians 4:4-8
Psalm again!  25:9, 35:11
Ephesians 3:20
Jude verses 20-21
2 Corinthians 13:14 :)


  1. Oh, I needed this!! Grumpy and defeated until I decided to come on here and read todays poem! Thank you for sharing, so we can be encouraged too! I love you! Miss you!

  2. Oh! Why would Grumpy and Sour keep trying to visit? They need a home I guess! Why do they want to be with God's children? I thought misery loved company! Did I look miserable? Ha! My husband just said - maybe I had the door open! They're out and the door is shut now!
    Love you all so much! Have a sweet, Grumpy free day!!! I will! xo

  3. That is funny Lishy Bear! I was writing my comment as you were posting too! I didn't see your comment before I wrote mine. That happens often!
    Grumpy and Sour left your house too! That's Good News!!! Victory!!!
    Wish we were together on our Grumpy free, very sweet day!!!
    Love 4ever, mommy xo

  4. Has anyone ever heard of the Fox and the Grapes story?
    I was looking up sour in the dictionary and it lead to that story!
    I might get on here and tell you what I learned from that!
    Go ahead and let me know if you have an understanding..
    Certainly! What God promises is attainable!!!

  5. Do you know Grump came back again?
    Determined he would make me friend!
    He said - the door was open wide-
    Why can't he come inside?
    Now I stand and wonder
    What do I say to that?

    Oh, beloved child, come hear!
    Grump recognizes fear!
    You ask, what am I fearing?
    The answer is-
    It looks like fear
    When you are not in cheer!
    When thankfulness has left your lips
    And attitude
    Is on your hips!
    All around you fail to see
    You even have a victory!
    Oh, yes beloved stand up tall!
    Give applause
    For Love's great cause!
    Slam the door on Grump once more!
    I AM your friend!
    Forever more!!!

    I am your's too, Lord!
    All will see!
    Abundant life-
    Your victory!!!
    I've opened up the cheerful door!
    Christ in me
    Forever more!!!

    Lezza Kuzzin Poetry 2011copyright :)

  6. I love the second poem...thank you so much for it. I am starting my day with my Grump-door locked! The revelation for me is that I don't go around just closing doors and turning off lights, I NEED to go around opening some doors and turning on some lights. I open my Joy-door today, while it is fresh and beautiful outside. I'm excited about this day! I choose to rejoice and be glad in it!

  7. Amen! I agree with you! I did the same thing about ten minutes ago!
    Joy just shoved aside all else and got to work! Thank you for sharing that!
    Maybe we'll share some today! :)
