Monday, July 25, 2011


Good morning, from the home of Lezza Kuzzin Poetry...

You said, My Lord-
To follow You!
I answered, Yes,
I'll follow You!
I had no clear idea
Of what that choice would mean!
I didn't truly understand
The Blessing would be seen!
The Blessing's where you lead us!
The Blessing-
Where it's green!
Where there within the Kingdom
Your Goodness - clearly seen!

Oh, My precious child,
Where you have all you need!
Where overflow is flowing,
For Me-
You're truly knowing!
Show the way to others!
They are watching you!
They might reach out 
To graze the green-
When they see too
I AM not mean!
Let the Blessing, child-
Be seen!!!

Lezza Kuzzin Poetry 2011copyright

Matthew 6:33
John 10:1-30
Deuteronomy 30:19-20
Galatians 3:13-14
John 17:3 :)
Ephesians 3:20
Psalm chapter 23, 40: 2-4, 71:21, chapter 91, 103:1-5
Acts 17:24-28
Matthew again! 5:14-16


  1. Oh, it's going to be seen in the Altom house! The enemy comes against us in so many random ways - as he does everyone - but we are getting stronger. We are learning who we are! The old tricks don't work so well anymore! I've decided to stretch out on green grass, not complain about the stickers! Love this poem - Thank You, Father!

  2. How encouraging!!! Love your comment and I agree with you!
    Stickers are only persecution for BELIEVING God and saying so!
    The Gospel Truth!!! Love you!

  3. The old tricks aren't working so well are they! Yay! I'm joining you all on the green too! I love you Mommy

  4. On the green, indeed! Sunshine on the green!!! Oh, that will be seen!
    Love 4ever, and sweet dreams,
    mommy xo

  5. I did actually sit on the grass this morning while I was watering - just spent time talking to God while that tree soaked up some water so it could stay pretty & green. Yes, we are truly blessed. Thank you for your messengers and the Gospel truth. Amen to your comment JA. I figured out what the "pulled muscle" was. A stab in the back - but it's gone now. Has been taken care of by our Father. Praise God. sg

  6. I can just see you sitting on the grass, watering your tree and talking to Father! That makes a beautiful picture!
    Sweet sleep to you and all! xo
