Sunday, July 28, 2024

What Will Last

 Today's Message at 
The Olustee Community Church

My beloved children,
You tried to fill an empty place
With something that can't last! 
You had a plan 
You thought would work
But it really could not last!
The place that needs 
To be made whole -
Is renewing of your soul!
All other fixes won't remain -
The troubles and cares 
That come at you
Will always be the same!
But I AM more than able
To fill your cup to overflow,
And always I'll remain!
Rest in all My care for you
And boldly stand in faith!
Trusting I AM helping you,
You're Mine and I know how to fill -
Your empty space with what will last,
With what is real!!!

Leeza Kuzzin Poetry 2024

Proverbs 14:12, 3:5-6, 19:21
Psalm 145:14-19
John 16:13
Jeremiah 33:3
Psalm 107:9,19,20
3 John 2
Romans 12:2
Revelation 3:20
1 John 5:4

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