Good morning, from the home of Lezza Kuzzin Poetry...
Dear, beloved, child of Mine!
Do you see the time?
The calendar is flipping fast-
And 2010 is almost past!
What was it you were praying for?
Do you, child-remember?
Be specific! Search and see!
What was it-
Last December?
For that's the prayer I answered!
Do you, child-remember?
Think on it today!
I'll help you, child-remember!
Come, beloved, pray!!!
Lezza Kuzzin Poetry 2010copyright
A prophetic rhyme for an appointed time!
Philemon 6
Here is what I prayed for...
The Lord had me look back again at the prophecy for 2010 He gave on Dec. 31, 2009!
The poem (word) Expect! I looked up each scripture and remembered clearly what I was praying for!
In Romans 13:8 The Word says, owe no man any thing but to love one another! I understood and planted that scripture 12 years ago and have been working on that ever since! Give and it shall be given... and flow love to the whole world! Jeremiah 33:3-9 - I planted and prayed that scripture- to be out of the captivity of debt- and have the abundant, blessed life manifested! To be a blessing! I prayed Ephesians 3:14-21 -To know the Lord even deeper as Hebrews 11:6, Psalms 71:21, Jeremiah 9:23-24 and 2Corinthians 13:14 grow more each moment!!!
I prayed to be blessed to be a blessing to many!!! That's what I prayed last December!
Father, I remember!
I won't worry about Your part! I let love flow from my heart! I'll expect it with whole heart!
Brother's and Sister's, what did you pray for? Remember!!! :)
My brothers and sisters in Christ! I love you all so very much! 4ever! xo xo xo