Saturday, May 2, 2015

Heaven's Word

Good morning, from them home of
Lezza Kuzzin Poetry 
In "Glory" Oklahoma

Dear Father,
Once I walked against Your Word,
Like, it's from Heaven -
I had not heard!
That only brought me loads of fear,
Till I cried out, 
Lord, help me hear!
Help me hear Your goodness,
Help me hear You're kind,
Open up my eyes to see
For I've been walking blind!
Then out of darkness, into Light,
I could hear, 
See Light so bright!
Now ever I walk in Your Word,
I know, I know,
Tis Heaven's Word!!!

Lezza Kuzzin Poetry 2015

Psalm 40:2-4
Matthew 13:6
1 Peter 2:9
Colossians 1:13
Amos 3:3
Proverbs 30:5, chapter 4
2 Timothy 3:16
2 Corinthians 13:14


  1. Good morning, my precious family and friends! I'm babysitting an older puppy for someone - They brought him a long lease with his collar so he could be in the yard for a while each day. As I watched the puppy the Holy Spirit had me see that just like the puppy got all tangled up by the very thing that was to protect him, God's children often do that too! Not reading the Word with the Holy Spirit's help gets a child of God all tangled up! Going this way until you read a different Scripture ... then going that way, then back again, on and on till you just plop down and wonder what to do? So often God's children put the Bible away, shake their head and say, I just can't understand!! God never meant for us to not understand! In truth we are told to understand! God sent His Holy Spirit, to teach, guide, comfort, help, remind ...! I once read the Word like that too ... not anymore!!! To understand is JOY!!! I pray Ephesians 3:14-21 for us all!!! God is Love!!! Does the little puppy realize that we are actually loving him? If I stay with him and untangle him, he will know smile emoticon The Holy Spirit is with us, untangles us!!! We're letting Him!!! I love you all so very, very much!!! xo xo xo
