Sunday, October 21, 2012

Let Me Lead You...Today's message at Olustee Community Church

Let Me Lead You

Dear children 
Let Me lead you on-
On and on and on!
You do not have to take dark steps;
You’ve Light to light your way!
Beloved, let Me lead you;
I AM always with you, child,
Wisdom longs to lead you!
Don’t miss My voice by hearing lies,
Tune in to Truth,                                      
Do not hear lies!                                                              
A hearing heart belongs to you-
Listen though,
Is up to you!
Jesus showed you what to do;
Wisdom, child,
Is wooing you-
For all that’s good 
Belongs to you!!!                  

Lezza Kuzzin Poetry copyright 2012

Psalm 23
Colossians 3:8-17
Proverbs 4:20  
Romans 12:2
Psalm 1:1-3
Matthew 13:16
Luke 2:41-52
Proverbs 9:1-11
1 Corinthians 2:12 
Galatians 4-6-7


  1. This is an actual picture of something the Lord lead me to do!!!
    I enjoyed it all summer!!!
    God loves to bless us with beautiful ideas!!!
    I love you all so much! xo

  2. Love it! Both the message and the picture! Wish I couldve been there. I love you all! Love forever, Alisha

  3. I wish you could have been here too! How did your new church where you live go? I'm sure you loved it! I love you honey so very, very much! Love 4ever, mommy xo

  4. Oh Mommy how I needed this one! I have been having a lot of really bad joint & knee pain & needed to be reminded of WHO IS taking care of me! I love you Mommy & love your picture too!!!

  5. Saved, healed and delivered!!! Psalm 107:20 :) I'm agreeing with you my Sunshine!
    I going to email you a note!
    Love 4ever, mommy xo
