Thursday, February 14, 2013

Believing and Receiving...

Good morning, from the home of
Lezza Kuzzin Poetry...

Dear Father,
Thank You for my colors,
Thank You for my legs,
Thank You for this smile I have
Faith believes, not begs!
Once I thought...I have to cry,
And tell You all
The reasons why!
Then Truth I heard
And I believe...
I changed my words
Now I receive!!!

Oh, yes, beloved of My own,
So very, very colorful,
So very, very 
Learning how to talk like Me
Little child,
Indeed, you be!
The little child is one that knows,
The little child- 
Is one that grows!
Oh, faith of little children...
Believing and receiving,
My little, precious children!!!

Lezza Kuzzin Poetry copyright 2013

Amos 3:3
Jeremiah 9:23-24, 33:3
John 17:3
Mark 9:23
1 John 4:4
Matthew 18:1-4
Deuteronomy 30:19
Galatians 3:13-14, 4:6-7
Proverbs 18:20-21, 71:21
2 Corinthians 2:14, 13:14
Hebrews 11:6


  1. I have seen sooo many of Gods promises come in sight and in my hands since I stopped saying what the world and the devil says back to God! Now I say what God says back to Him! Jesus taught us to do that... He held up 5 loaves and two fish and said, "Thank You Father" and fed a multitude!
    He said, "Peace" to the wind when it was far from peaceful....then it was!
    He said, Walk, talk, see, rise up, be whole etc.... I have learned that Jesus said what He wanted not what was in the natural! He showed us how to say what God says and get what God has already given us in Christ Jesus! Thank You Jesus!!! Oh, Holy Spirit True!!! Galatians 3:13-14, 4:6-7 :) I love you all so very much! xo

  2. Thank you precious Emma for the beautiful art work! Thank you Bz Division ( Lishy Bear )
    for believing and sending it to me!!!
    Have a great LOVE day!
    Love 4ever, mommy and Grandma xo xo

  3. Amen!! Believing and receiving!! It makes such a huge difference when we change the way we speak! Such a wonderful walk with Daddy!!! I love you, Mommy!!! And what a cute picture! Good job, Emma! I love how God uses the work of our little ones' precious hands!

  4. So precious and so true! I love u all and great job emma!

  5. I love you my girls! Sooo fun to talk to you all today! I had a great day and night .... I know you all did too! Thank You Father!!!
    Sweet, sweet sleep!
    Love 4ever, mommy xo xo xo xo
