On earth there is a battle
To believe what you can't see
My Word tells you tis victory
Though eyes say
I can't see!
Practice seeing in your heart
My child! My child!
Forget this not!
Find the passage where I said...
Then fill your mouth
With what I've said!
Go ahead child! Go ahead!
See triumphant, in your heart!
Picture what I've promised
Mercy round you flows
The more you see with eyes of faith
Your answer, will expose!
Practice child! Practice!
I promise, you will see!
Already child! Already!
Now call it Victory!!!
Lezza Kuzzin Poetry 2010copyright
Genesis 15:1-6
Hebrews 11:1
Proverbs 23:7, 18:21
Hebrews 10:38
Ephesians 2:8
2Cor. 2:14
Isaiah 44:3
I know this is what I'm needing to do. Thank you again. I love you