Good morning, from the home of Lezza Kuzzin Poetry...
Pouring forth are answers
For Wisdom, I do give
Flowing from your spirit child
Answers, I do give!
Knowledge of what's holy
Understanding truth
Believing, I your Boaz
Believing, you My Ruth!
Listen child, and hear Me
Indeed, I speak to you!
I told you that it's victory
The past indeed
Just history
The pages, all torn out!
Now, it is Amazing Grace
Abundant Life, you shout!
Stand above, and see with Me
How can I call
This victory?
The flesh is very limited
See with spirit eyes
Under all, the heavy smog
Are eyes that see
No longer log!
My Word shall clear the air
My darling,
How I care!
Sing you're song of joy again
I promise you
In Christ, you win!
Amazing Grace!
Sweet joyful faith
For every obstacle, you face!!!
Lezza Kuzzin Poetry 2010copyright
James 1:5-6
1John 2:20
1Cor. chapter 2
Ruth 2:8,14
2Tim. 1:7
2Cor. 5:17
Ephesians 2:4-6
Hebrews 12:2
Matthew 7:1-5
Psalms 119:105
Philippians 4:4
2Cor. 2:14
Mark 11:22-23
Thank you, Father, for the gift of tongues and interpretation! We draw on the mind of Christ and receive the answers to EVERY question we have.