Thursday, September 23, 2010

Abundant Life

Good morning, from the home of Lezza Kuzzin Poetry...

I pondered on Christ's blood Today-
How Jesus is 
The Only Way!
I meditated greatly on-
Scriptures that repeat!
Over!  I turned over!
Christ's blood on mercy seat!
Remembering the reason
That I can draw so near!
Rejoicing, that forever, 
I'll never live in fear!
Each day I fellowship with God-
My Father!   Love so True!
All because of Jesus!
His Blood, for me and you!
Oh, I hear Our Father say-
Indeed!  Indeed!
Christ is The Way!
The only way to enter in-
To fellowship,
To be My friend!
Come, beloved child of Mine!
Sweet understanding waits!
Waits to be revealed!
My Word child-
Is not sealed!
Open up and find your hope!
Abundant Life-
Not merely cope!
Seek and you shall find indeed!
I gave!  
I gave you every seed!
I AM!   
I AM your every need!
Abundant Life 
Of Seed!!!

Lezza Kuzzin Poetry 2010copyright

Leviticus 16:14-15  (old way)
Hebrews 9:12, 10:12-23 Jesus!!!
John 17:3
2Corinthians 13:14
John 10:10
Isaiah 55:10-13
Luke 8:11


  1. I love the part, "Open up and find your hope"! Too many have lost their hope, not me! I have hope and an expecting hope for my family's future:) So beautiful! I love you My Mommy Begommy

  2. If you can find it in God's Word you can have faith for it and plant it in your heart and it will grow and you will see it!!! We sure do know that! Amen!
    I am believing with you honey! I love you so very much! 4ever! Your Mommy Begommy xo

  3. I love that! Especially the part about having abundant life, not just coping! Amen!!! I'm claiming that!

  4. Perfect picture! I love crape (sp) myrtles! I love having the seed packets too!
