Thursday, March 28, 2013

Enjoy Tonight...

Good evening, from the home of 
Lezza Kuzzin Poetry...

What's bothering me, Lord, 
I pray?
I haven't felt 
Just right today!
I feel a little strange,
Like something's out of whack!
Maybe it's the enemy,
A sneaky, mean attack!

Beloved child, 
My very own,
I tell you it's not real!
No matter how you feel,
I tell you, it's not real!
Smile, and be in joy tonight,
Don't let this mood,
Rule you tonight!
Take a stand against this, child,
Enjoy, this good night!!!

Lezza Kuzzin Poetry copyright 2013

Proverbs 3:5-6
Romans 8:31
Psalms 71:21
John 10:10
Isaiah 48:17 
2 Corinthians 13:14 :)


  1. OK!!! :) Good News for sure! I love you all so very, very much!

  2. I need to put this one on my mirror! This happens to me a lot, or used to:) I love you Mommy! So awesome knowing So much more then we used to!

  3. It is sooo comforting to know it's just lies and we have the power to not believe them! WE'RE BELIEVING GOD :) We didn't have internet this morning so I'll get today's poem/word on after school! I love you so very, very much! Love 4ever, mommy xo

  4. That is so good! I had to snap myself out of a bad mood yesterday. So thankful that we're learning not to give in to those!
    ha! I was wondering why you didn't email me back that day! :)
