Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Gifts of Every Kind...

Good morning, from the home of
Lezza Kuzzin Poetry...

Your creatures, Lord, 
Both big and small-
I love to watch them all!
They make me, oh, so thankful-
Mankind, the best of all!
I have my favorites, for sure,
Your animals, so big-
I enjoy small ones too,
My favorites, though, are big!!!

Dear beloved, 
My own kind...
Thankful and enjoying
Gifts of every kind!
I enjoy watching you,
As you enjoy life,
Being ever thankful...
With Me, eternal live!!!

Lezza Kuzzin Poetry copyright 2013

Genesis 1:26- 31, 6:19-22
James 1:16-18
Psalm 68:19
Luke 15:11-24  making merry with Father!
Mark 9:23
John 10:10, 17:3,23
2 Corinthians 2:14, 13:14
Hebrews 11:6
Isaiah 48:17 


  1. I absolutely love this one so much!! So fun enjoying Fathers many, many creations ; ). I love how she is copying the orangutan's hand! So cute!! <3. I love you mommy

  2. I agree honey! So adorable how she is copying him. Precious! Thank you for sending it to me Bz Division! So fruitful and oh, so faithful my Alisha Ann :)
    Love 4ever,
    Mommy xo
