Come & Be Alone With Me
Come and be, alone with Me
Come to the place
Where we agree!
As you feast, upon My Word
I’ll adjust your thought!
Kindness! Loving kindness!
Exchange, for lies you’ve bought!
Know me deeper, search to find
My child! My child!
Indeed, I’m kind!
Take a portion, one small verse
On it sup
Rehearse! Rehearse!
Think and ponder, as you do
Abundant life
Will flow through you!
Come child, be alone with Me
So much awaits
Be fed! Be fed!
Precious one, that I love so
Forsake the foolish
Wisdom, know!
Enjoy Me! Your Father!
For I, enjoy you!
Eat beloved, sup with Me
Until My kindness
You do see!
Come and be alone with Me
Until with Love, child
You agree!!!
Come to the place
Where we agree!
As you feast, upon My Word
I’ll adjust your thought!
Kindness! Loving kindness!
Exchange, for lies you’ve bought!
Know me deeper, search to find
My child! My child!
Indeed, I’m kind!
Take a portion, one small verse
On it sup
Rehearse! Rehearse!
Think and ponder, as you do
Abundant life
Will flow through you!
Come child, be alone with Me
So much awaits
Be fed! Be fed!
Precious one, that I love so
Forsake the foolish
Wisdom, know!
Enjoy Me! Your Father!
For I, enjoy you!
Eat beloved, sup with Me
Until My kindness
You do see!
Come and be alone with Me
Until with Love, child
You agree!!!
Lezza Kuzzin Poetry 2010copyright
Amos 3:3
Proverbs 9:1-6
Rev. 3:20
Jeremiah 9:23-24
I have been feasting on
Jer.9:23-24 , drinking
John 17:3, and licking the plate
Jer.9:23-24 , drinking
John 17:3, and licking the plate
of Ephesians 3:14-21 :)
I love the seed packet that comes with this one! Why do I constantly need this reminder. I wish I could mark the ones that I need to continually go back to. This is also one of my favorites. How many favorites do we get to have?