How is it, that you see Me child
Do you see Me kind?
Do you sense My pleasure
When you’re alone with me?
As you think upon Me
Do you and I agree?
In Christ,
You are My own beloved
I see you there, secure!
I fellowship in spirit
I fellowship in truth!
Are you, enjoying
All I Am?
Do you, understand
Just who, I really Am?
I Am Love, and I Am Kind!
Look child, see!
You are not blind!
Leave those tainted thoughts behind
Cast them, from your mind!
Know and understand,
My child
That I Am Love!
I’m Kind!
Tis evil, that’s unkind!
And hate, that tries to blind!
I Am your loving Father
And I indeed, Am Kind!
My passion for you
Child, tis true
I’ve given everything, for you!
See Me as I really Am
I’m Love
I Really AM!!!
Lezza Kuzzin Poetry 2010copyright
Psalms 35:27, 5:4
Amos 3:3
Ephesians 1:13,4:30
John 4:23-24, 10:10
John 4:23-24, 10:10
Titus 3:4-7
1John 4:8-18
Genesis 15:1
Soooo beautiful! Too many of us don't really know who God really is. We don't take time out of our busy schedules to get to know Him for the loving, giving Father that He really is. Help me to do better Father, Help me to know the REAL YOU! I love you