Tuesday, January 25, 2011

I Bring Prosper Up

Good morning, from the home of Lezza Kuzzin Poetry...

Don't say, you do not understand!
Seek Wisdom, child,
On truth- do stand!
Allow Me-
 To bring prosper up!
Come sit with Me-
Come sup!
What was it that you prayed for?
Oh, remember!
Indeed!  I answer!
You know true!
I AM for you!
Remember, child-
You do!
So truly, 
I adore you!
So truly-
 I AM for you!!!

Lezza Kuzzin Poetry 2011copyright

1 Corinthians 2:16
1 John 2:20
James 1:2-5
3 John 2-4
Mark 4:26-29
Proverbs 9:1-11
Romans 8:28-31
Genesis 15:1
Jeremiah 29:11
Proverbs 10:22
Psalms 35:27-28, 71:21
2 Chronicles 16:0
John 17:23


  1. This is soooooo special to me! God showed me that we can plant the Word- Seed in fertile soil- water it by hearing the Word, pondering on it, expecting, and speaking it in faith!
    Even in a seed of any kind- we can plant and water but it is beyond mans knowledge and power to make what is inside the seed to shoot up and produce it's kind!!! Today I understand so much better the miracle of seed! We can plant and we can water but God does the increase!!!
    1 Cor. 3:6-7
    Faith is swelling and awe of God's faithfulness!!! His power toward us who believe!!! Ephesians 3:20 Thank You, Father with all my heart!!!
    Love you all sooooooo much! 4ever xo

  2. That makes the waiting time easier to bear, knowing that's when God is working on it! Yay!

  3. Amen! Seed, tiiiiiiiiiime and harvest!!! We are in the harvest now! Sweet joy!!!
    Last year was expecting! This year is harvest! I remember some gardener told me to plant every so many days and then the harvest would be continual! So we keep planting more Seeds! Expecting more and harvesting more!!! So fun! The Kingdom Life!!! Plenty of Seed! Abundance! Over flow! Thank You Jesus!!!
    Love you so much! xo

  4. You always pick good corn pictures...it has such a precious conotation to me now. I love corn! I want a garden so much this spring. It is such a tangible expression of the reality of God's Word planted in our hearts. Prov. 10:22

  5. What a harvest this is going to be! I keep remembering all of the things I am believing for and the things you have told me that you are believing for! What glory to God this year's harvest will be! I am sooooo excited & expecting to see it come to pass every day. Everyday is so excititng because it could be "the" day my hopes and dreams come true! I love you!
