Tuesday, June 25, 2013

God Knows ...

Good evening, from the home of
Lezza Kuzzin Poetry ...

Pretty, pretty sunset, Lord!
Pretty, pretty sky!
Why when I look up at it 
Do I always ask a "why?"
There is such a wonder,
There is such a joy,
There's a realization 
That there's even more sweet joy!!!

Oh, My precious child,
You believe there's more!
Your heart is wanting clouds to move,
A parting of the sky!
You always have a question 
Because you know - I know the why!!!

Lezza Kuzzin Poetry copyright 2013

Psalm 19:1, 48:10, 92:1-5, 104:1-3
Jeremiah 33:3
Mark 9:23
2 Corinthians 13:14
Luke 10:38-42


  1. I asked a question and I got an answer!!!
    I think God even gave me the question to ask ... how loving - just so He could give me the answer!!! How sweet!
    Sweet sleep to you all!
    I love you xo

  2. Aw that is sweet! Im glad He always has the answers to our MANY why's....dont ya know ha- i love u!

  3. Oh, how much we laughed at those ladies on the Waltons! Don't ya know! You remember ;)
    I treasure that time we watched those together!
    Sweet sleep honey,
    I got a wonderful answer tonight ... hope you did too!
    Love 4ever, mommy xo

  4. Thank you sweet and precious Bz Division ... my Alisha Ann ... for the beautiful picture!
    Just what I needed! I love you honey,
    Love 4ever, mommy xo

  5. Have you ever had this thought ... the reason people complain is because they are really asking a why? And complaining comes because we are not asking God but man! Man just complains back or gives his opinion! God has the answer!!! xo

  6. I never thought of complaining like that before but I think u are exactly right! So thankful for Gods answers. I love u Mommy

  7. It is going to change how I view complaining! God is GOOD and His Mercy endures forever!!!
    I love you my Sunshine!
    I miss you!
    Love 4ever, mommy xo

  8. I just realized I didn't post today's word/poem! I'm sorry xo
    I will post it tomorrow before tomorrows! Sweet sleep to all ...
    I love you all! xo
    I got some really good news tonight! xo
