Monday, November 15, 2010

Glowing Love

Good morning, from the home of Lezza Kuzzin Poetry...
A thankfulness within my heart-
As Love
Is glowing bright!
I hear You,
Say to me-
That Love within you-
It is Me!
The glow
Is that you're learning!
It's Me- you long to know!
The thankfulness is for the Truth!
The Book of Ruth!
Where she found grace
Boaz's face!
Oh, sweet joy!
You've been redeemed!
Jesus set you free!
Now, in blessed fellowship-
My child,
You come to Me-
With thankfulness and glee!!!

Lezza Kuzzin Poetry 2010copyright

Have you ever looked up the definition of glee?  :)
2 Chronicles 16:9, 17:6
Jeremiah 9:23-24
John 17:3, 20-23
Philemon verse 6
Book of Ruth
Romans 3:24, 5:6-11
John 4:24
2 Corinthians 13:14
Psalms 100


  1. Glee: mirth, festive laughter, delight, a musical piece for three or more voices! exultantly happy! Amen! That's how we sound when we are thankful! How exciting! Love you all so much! xo

  2. I have been set free! I need to go back and reread a few because Dave got some very discouraging news at work today. But nothing can stop God and I know what He has told me and no matter how hard and impossible it seems right now I know God has it all already worked out in my favor:) I love you
