Thursday, March 24, 2011


Good morning, from the home of Lezza Kuzzin Poetry...

No reason, child-
For you to lose your joy!
Not even for a moment
Be strong
You're full of Joy!
I know! 
I know your future!
 Child, see with Me!
Abundant life!
Yes, joy so full!
I see that you agree!
Circumstances come each day-
Arising for a choice!
But what, beloved child of Mine-
Will be- will be your voice?
Will you voice a grumble?
Will you stew and fret?
Or will you child, remember-
Joy will not reget!
No Reason!  
Child, no reason!
Rejoice!  Be of good cheer!
Indeed, I know your future
And also- I see now!
Rejoice- child!
  Do it now!

Father!  Blessed Father! 
I am-
 In joy right now!
I'm staying there- remembering-
No reason not to be!
You told me-
And I agree with Thee!!!

Lezza Kuzzin Poetry 2011copyright

Psalms  71:21, chapter 100, 147:3-5
Jeremiah 1:5, 29:11, 31:16, 33:6, 8-9
Nehemiah 8:10
Psalms 30:11-12, 35:27-28, 68:19
Deuteronomy 30:19-20
John 15:11
3 John 1:4
Jude verses 24-25
Romans 15:13
2 Corinthians  2:14, 13:14


  1. I loved that part- God sees our future- He sees we agree!!!
    We already have abundant life and joy so full ( in our spirit )
    Galatians 5:22-23
    So Father says He sees our future! We agree with Him! Amen!
    I want to agree with Father more and more each day!!!
    By agreeing I will be enjoying now- the joy I am so full of!

    That's so cool that circumstances arise- And what will we say?
    They arise to see what we will say! Say ONLY what God says!!! Faith!
    I looked up circumstance: one of the factors influencing the decision!
    What???? They try to influence us to say something different than what God says! Faith won't look at the circumstances- it looks to the Word of God!!!
    Love you all so very much! xo

  2. Wow! Wish I would have read that sooner today!! But I will choose to be joyful the rest of the day!
    I too like the part about God seeing our future. He knows how we'll end up and that everything will be fine. 

  3. Yes! He knows who will believe Him!!! We do!!! More and more and more!
    And the more we do the more love and joy will flow!!!
    Love you so very much, honey! I love your new look! xo

  4. I wish I would have read this yesterday! I sure did need it. Oh well, I will definitely use it for today. Dave made it back early this morning so I'm going to go enjoy having him home:) I love you!

  5. Amen! Enjoy! Older women teach and support enjoying your husband! :)
    Love you so very much my Sunshine xo
