Monday, August 8, 2011

Angels All About

Good morning, from the home of 
Lezza Kuzzin Poetry...

Dear child, 
Angels all about!
Salvation freely given
For Jesus Christ
Has risen!
You're now an heir-
No hesitation!
Angels all about
They've been given charge
Ore thee, My child, they take heed-
To keep in all thy ways!
Long life
And sweet your days!!!

Father, You say, angels-
Angels all about!
Keeping watch and helping me!
Yes, they are all about!
I recognize their ministry,
You don't want that 
A mystery!
Oh, how that comforts me!
So kindly, 
You encourage me!!!

Lezza Kuzzin Poetry 2011copyright

Psalm 5:11-12, 91:9-16
Hebrews 1:14
Galatians 1:3-5, 4:6-7
John 17:13-23
Romans 10:9-15
2 Corinthians 1:2-4, 2:14, 13:14 :)
Hebrews 11:6 :) 

Did you notice that in Psalm 91 it is says- I will say of the LORD...  
We are to acknowledge and say...


  1. Have you ever seen the ways angels helped in the book of Acts? Did you see in Acts 5:19, 12:7-11 (some New Testament scriptures.) Believers got help to get to - where they needed to get to! Look at Psalm 40:2!!! God establishes our goings!!! I looked up that word in the original Hebrew meaning-
    established: provides, directs, made provision, ordered, set aright, certainty, provides...
    I acknowledge angles have been given charge over me to keep me in all my ways!!! I am an heir of Salvation!!! A chid of God! A believer!!! I say so- for out of the abundance of my heart my mouth speaks!!!
    I can almost hear you say so too!!!
    Love you all so very, very much! 4ever xo

  2. My comment got lost!
    I just said that when I give my kids instruction and there is no response, I have them acknowledge that I spoke to them. I expect them to do something when I give instruction. God has given us not only instructions, but wisdom and guidance and gifts all along the way. If we don't acknowledge them, in essence we are saying that we don't think it is very important, or we would have responded. Acknowledging is a big word. Thank you, Debbie, for that reminder.

  3. Great way to put it! Thank you, right back, Jayme!
    Our Father is awesome!!! So fun being sisters in our wonderful, exciting family! Thank you for your wonderful comments and precious friendship!
    Love you so much! xo

  4. What an amazing thought. I praise God everynight in my prayers & when I'm praying with Jackson for the angels He has given us:) I love you Mommy

  5. Did you see one of the things they do? Help us get to where we're going!!!
    How exciting!!! Sweet dreams, my Sunshine!
    Love 4ever, mommy begommy xo

  6. How beautiful, Ania! Sooo true - acknowledging- they do!!!
    Love you!
