Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Right Where You Belong

Good morning, from the home of
Lezza Kuzzin Poetry...
My precious child,
You have come to trust Me!
Oh, how I delight!
Allowing Me to give you peace,
Where once, there was such fright!
Learning day, by day, by day
To trust Me, child,
Say what I say!
Offering your hand in Mine,
Your Father's kind!!!

Oh, Father!
Yes, I'm trusting You
For You are faithful,
Love so True!
My hand in Yours forever
For I belong to You!
Indeed, Lord-
I am trusting You!
I'll know just what to do
For I am walking close to You,
My Father
Kind and True!!!

Lezza Kuzzin Poetry copyright 2011

Acts 17:22-28
Proverbs 3:5, 4:10-13
Ruth 2:12
Hebrews 11:6 :)
John 14:27
Lamentations 3:21-25
Proverbs again! 18:20-21
Psalm 36:7-8
Hebrews again! 6:18
Galatians 4:6-7
1 John 2:20, 4:15-19
Amos 3:3
3 John verses 2-4
Jude verses 24-25
2 Corinthians 13:14 :)


  1. Ok, this morning has been so awesome so I had to get the laptop out and post on here! :)
    First, God got me out of bed this morning saying He had something to show me and I felt led to read Psalm 34. That is the Psalm that I used to read out loud over myself every night right around the time Michael and I met. I couldn't quite figure out why God led me there but then he led me to see if your poem was up, Mommy, and it was! I teared up because it was so sweet how God put them poem with why He had me read that Psalm! The first part of the poem especially is how I connected it! That was me! I used to worry about my life and how it was going to work out and then we learned to ONLY speak what God says and through that we learned to trust Him. I used to read that Psalm (and the blessings in Deut. 28) over my life by faith and now look at my life! I have a wonderful husband that grows more wonderful all the time and a beautiful baby girl! And I'm believing to be pregnant soon!! How different from that worried, lonely, questioning person I used to be!! God is so awesome!!!
    And you know how you say God always has a second reason for things? ha! I kept feeling that God was showing me to trust Him about the money situation too so I did. Then I got on and checked our account before I got on here and He had taken care of that too!!! How awesome!!
    I love you all! Just thought I'd share that where my little sisters could read it too. I love you!!!

  2. Oh, my precious Amanda! How wonderful! What a beautiful testimony and what joy for a mother to hear! Great is the peace of my children for they are taught of the Lord!!! That scripture brings such comfort and joy to my heart! I am sooo very blessed! My cup runneth over indeed!
    Thank you for sharing with us! It is so exciting to watch! :) Oh, how joyful the gifts of sons in law and grandchildren! The blessing of children grows on and on!!! I am sooo thankful for you all!!!
    Love 4ever, mommy xo

  3. I am so happy for you! I am also so proud of you. You have come a long way from how you used to be, so have I! LOL I love you and can't wait to hear that you are pregnant! How exciting:) What a wonderful poem Mommy! So fun to hear how it affected Mando:) I love you & love the picture!

  4. wow that is awesome manda!! i loved the poem too!! my part is you'll know just what to do, mommy knows what im talking about!! i love you all and miss everyone so much!!

  5. I love you my girls sooo very much! Audreypooh, I thought about you and that part of the poem too! That encourages me so much!
    Sweet dreams to all of you!
    Love 4ever, mommy xo
