Monday, August 12, 2013

She's In Love ...

Good morning, from the home of
Lezza Kuzzin Poetry ...

She's in love!
This beauty, that I rarely see,
I'm staring at her 
I remember her, I say,
Where did she go?
She did not stay!
She's in love
And she has confidence,
She knows her gifts are wanted!
She flows in kindness, thoughtfulness, 
Because her love is wanted!
What happens to her after 'while?
Will she fade away?
Will walls build up around her too,
I pray, her love will stay!
She is in love,
It's plain to see!
Walls fall down, away from me -
I want to flow from love again,
To trust 
That I'm received again!
I see her and I long to be,
The way,
In love, I used to be!
When I could grace another's door
And offer love and kindness,
To an open door!
Lord, help me see an open door -
For far too long now I have knocked!
Move me to someone in need;
I knock 
And love's received!!!

Lezza Kuzzin Poetry copyright 2013

Song of Solomon
The Book of Ruth
Psalm 71:21
2 Corinthians 13:14
Hebrews 11:6
Mark 9:23


  1. Thank you, Brook! Thank you for the beauty you are and the love and kindness you brought me yesterday! You are a blessing and I pray you'll always flow from being in love!!! So tender to see a need and so confident to offer it! Thank you more than I have words to say!!!
    I love you,
    Debbie xo

  2. Thank you my precious husband,
    You are taking such good care of me and our family!!!
    I love you more today than ever!
    Love 4ever,
    Your wife xo

  3. As I was getting ready ... I heard within my spirit ...
    If you want someone to fail
    Hurt them with unkind words.
    If you want to destroy someone
    Ignore them.
    If that someone is a child of God
    She is Invincible!!!

    1. Colossians 1:27
      2 Corinthians 2:14
      Romans 8:31
      1 John 4:4
      Psalm 71:21 ...
      xo xo xo

  4. How powerful, beautiful, wonderful is this poem!!!! And the comments! I love you Mommy

  5. Thank you my beautiful Sunshine! So happy and thankful for your good report today!
    The Blessing all the way!!!
    Sweet sleep honey,
    Love 4ever, mommy xo

  6. That's so good!! :) It's easy to just give up and quit knocking when you've had the door shut on you too many times! I'm so thankful that God can refresh us and get us back to "knocking"!

  7. Exactly what I needed!! Thank you Father for reminding me once again to put you first, thank you mommy for calling me the other day. I love you!!!

  8. I'm so proud of you girls! I love you so very, very much!
    Love 4ever, mommy xo
