Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Father's Favor :) Grace

Good morning, from the home of Lezza Kuzzin Poetry...

Strong, I AM- 
On your behalf!
See, child-
See it true!
Look and study-
I AM!  I AM for you!
Favor as a shield attracts-
All that's very good!
Also it repels the bad-
For favor, child-
Be glad!

Oh, Father as I study out-
Sweet thankfulness
I shout!
Strong You are on my behalf-
Your favor overflows my joy
 And I begin to laugh!

 I AM walking with you-
Together, on Love's path!
Indeed, child-
We do laugh!!!

Lezza Kuzzin Poetry copyright 2011

2 Chronicles 16:9
Romans 4:20-21
Genesis 21:6
Psalm 5:11-12, 34:4, 10, 57:7, 126:2-3
Romans 8:31
Amos 3:3
2 Corinthians 13:14 :)


  1. Repel: drive back, force to return, reject in disgust! Wow! That makes me laugh!!! Thank You, Father!!!

    I didn't get through with this comment before the phone rang and my sister called and shared with me that her dog woke her up and the house stunk with a terrible smell and she found the gas on the stove was on and filling the house! Wow! The favor of Father rejected, in disgust, that evil!!!
    We laughed with joy!!! Thank You, Father!!!
    Love you all so very, very much! xo

  2. Grace: the unearned, undeserved, gift, benefit, favor, blessing, kindness of God!!! Oh, Jesus! Oh, Holy Spirit! 2 Corinthians 13:14 :)

    Indeed, we are highly favored, dearly loved, delight of Father's heart! Yes!!!
    4ever and ever AMEN!!!

  3. I love this poem & the picture too! I can think of SOOOO many times that God's favor saved me from something that was trying to destroy me! Thank You Father for Your Favor on my life:) I love you Mommy:)I had such a wonderful day with my Jackson today. Thank You God for him too, he is SOOO my Sunshine:)

  4. What a wonderful comment! I agree on all the times of God saving us! I know there are so many more times we didn't even know of- and still :) The Blessing! Such favor!!!
    So glad you had a great day! Me too! Love 4ever, mommy xo
