Wednesday, June 8, 2011


Good morning, from the home of Lezza Kuzzin Poetry...

My child, I gave you Everything!
In Jesus
We are one!
Sweet knowledge-
Of the Truth be known!
Let victory-
Be shown!
Understand just who you are-
 My child, what I've given you!
So simple!  Oh, so simple-
My Everything is Jesus!
My Everything-
In you!!!

Oh, Father-
I am seeing clear!
I hear!  I hear! I hear!
Everything in Jesus-
And Jesus lives in me!
How can I ere be lacking-
When Everything's in me!
So there inside my spirit-
Is Everything I need!
How sweet!  How sweet-
Love's knowledge!
To understand 
Such joy!
Father, help my mind agree-
With all
That You are showing me!
There inside Your children-
Is Everything we need!
That only leaves one thing to seek-
The knowledge of Christ's victory-
For Everything's inside of me!
The Kingdom
Is Christ's Victory!
I'm seeing 
What You've given me!
The evidence of victory-
Your children-
Who agree with Thee!!!

Lezza Kuzzin Poetry 2011copyright

2 Peter 1:1-3
Ephesians 1:3, Chapter 3
2 Corinthians 2:14
Colossians 1:27
John 17:20-23
3 John verses 2-4
Acts 17:27-28
Psalm 34:10, 71:21 :)
Matthew 6:33
Philemon verse 6


  1. Spirit - soul - body! Everything is in my new, one with Jesus, born again spirit and it has to get through my soul ( mind, will and emotions) and to my body! It isn't that God hasn't given - it is me understanding where it is! To the degree that I renew my mind to what God says and then only saying what He says I can see it on the outside and so can others and God gets the glory!!! Wow! That has changed my whole life! Jesus is Everything I need!
    Now I just renew my mind to who is JESUS (in me!!!) Does He want to be something different in me than who He is? NO! He is the same yesterday, today and forever! There is no confusion in that!!!
    I love you all so very, very much! xo

  2. What an amazing poem! I loved our talk today:) Thank you for all of your wisdom, encouragment, and understanding. You are the best Mommy in the whole world! I love you sooooo very much

  3. Oh, how sweet- my Sunshine! I loved out talk today too! So glad you got the card I told you about! I'm trying to memorize it! What joy and comfort!
    Sweet sleep, my girl! Love 4ever, mommy begommy xo
