Friday, June 10, 2011

Faith Belongs To You

Good morning, from the home of Lezza Kuzzin Poetry...

What is that, child-
You think you see?
I promise you-
It won't hurt thee!
It's only fear! 
It's luring you-
But fear can't have 
It's way with you!
Because you hear Me!
I'm reminding you!
Faith and fear are opposites-
One is going My way
The other runs away!
Faith belongs to you, child!
Fear belongs to hell!
I AM holding on to you!
So Victory
Do tell!!!

Lord, indeed I hear!
I will not
Walk with fear!

Lezza Kuzzin Poetry 2011copyright

2 Timothy 1:7
Provers 4:7-8
Galatians 2:20
Hebrews 2:14-15, 11:1, 6 :)
Ephesians 6:10-18
Psalm 5:11-12, 27:11, 13
Mark 5:36
2 Corinthians 2:14, 10:5
John 10:4-5, 14:26-27
Acts 4:29


  1. Wow mommy you were right, this poem is exactly what I needed! I can't wait to look the scriptures up when the girls go to bed. I have a little monkey crawling on me right now.... I love you and miss you so much! Thank you for your prayers!

  2. So true. Fear stops us from doing so many things - but with God we have no reason for fear. He has us in His arms and we have victory. Thank you God for reminding us to trust in Him.

  3. What a powerful poem! I will remember to reread this one if fear tries to knock me down or doubt again:) I love you and miss you sooooo much! Haven't had any fear since we talked last:) Now I'm speaking that I am healed! I love you

  4. My daughters and my friends! I love you all so very, very much! I just drove through a very bad weather situation! I was offered fear for a long 20 minutes! I prayed, sang and spoke -all the scriptures on protection that I had in my heart! No way to turn back and no where to go but follow my husband in the car ahead and praise the Lord! I thought of my life following Jesus, no way to turn back and no where else to go because He is the only Way, The Truth, and The Life!!! It may not be clear what is ahead but I know I am safe following Jesus! He will not lead us into darkness! He is The Light!!! God uses everything to help me understand! Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the LORD, thoughts of PEACE, and NOT OF EVIL, to give you an expected end.
    Tonight as I followed my husband through a dark and windy weather- I couldn't see anything except his tail lights ahead of me and I followed it as if my life, and my children's lives depended on how good I could follow! Thank You, Father for helping me understand! Taking a situation and showing me a great truth!!! I will follow Christ!!! When it looks dark in the Physical that is when you focus with ALL your attention on the Light! On Jesus!!! He will get you where you need to be- safe, sound, alive and healthy!!! The Blessing!!!
    Love 4ever, mommy xo ( Debbie to my friends! )

  5. Amen Mommy! I've had to drive like that before and before I had the power I have now! Definitely an opportunity to fear! I'm glad you tapped into all that we have in Christ! :) I love you!!

  6. Yes! We know to stay in faith! Fear causes words of unbelief to flow and Faith words cause victory to flow!!! Sweet sleep! Love 4ever, mommyxo

  7. Wow! J. Prince's daily message for today 6-11 !!! God gives His angels charge over us!!! I knew - in the van last night that I was getting their help and protection!!! Thank You, Father!!! I know that Love is always right on time!!! You are Love, Father!!!
    Love you all so very, very much! 4ever! xo

  8. What a wonderful lesson to get from that! So true & definitely a scary situation if you didn't have God driving for you! I love you and I'm thankful that you shared what you learned from it. I love you Mommy:) I miss you all sooo much
