Monday, June 6, 2011

Shout Faith

Good morning, from the home of Lezza Kuzzin Poetry...

Oh, beloved child of Mine!
See the way I see!
Shine forth all your colors-
Spread Love's victory!
Let your faith be heard out loud!
Move, child!  
Move that cloud!

Oh, Father!
  How You love me so-
The truth-
You're wanting me to know!
Now I do just what You say-
Shout faith
And blow that cloud away!
Is mine today!
I shall shout it everyday!
For that, Dear Father-
Is Your way!!!

Lezza Kuzzin Poetry 2011copyright

Mark 11:22-24
2 Corinthians 2:14
John 17:23
Romans 8:31
Hebrews 11:6 :)
Psalm 71:21


  1. Who's power? God's! Who speaks faith? His children! :)
    Who said to say unto the mountain? Jesus! He didn't say He'd say unto the mountain! He said whosoever shall say unto this mountain...
    I believing God!!! I know you are too! I love you all so very, very much!
    God's power! We speak the faith! :) xo

  2. Wow! I have needed this poem for days! I am so mad at myself for not getting on here yesterday and reading it. I sure needed it yesterday. I knew in my heart there was something for me on here and I ignored it and fought with the devil instead:( Won't be making that mistake again but it was received so clearly today. Thank you God! Thank you Mommy:) I love you sooooo very much
